Interested in advertising with WMEA?
WMEA provides a special opportunity to advertise specifically to music educators. Our price list includes Partner Member and Non-Partner Member rates. Partner Members can save on advertising rates and are listed in all of our publications and our website as a member benefit.
Ad sizes for Voice, and all programs are as follows:
Full Page 7.5” X 10.5”
Half Page 7.5” X 4.5” or 3.5 X 9.5” (vertical)
Quarter Page 4.75” X 3.5” or 3.5” X 4.75” (vertical)
If your target audience includes music educators and their students, you will reach them here.
Music teachers in public and private schools who participate in our conferences, the WMEA All-State events or the enormous WMEA/WIAA State Solo and Ensemble Contest use the WMEA website as their resource for information.
Where will your ads appear?
We offer a variety of digital and print ads.
Online ads appear in our digital publications:
- Voice of Washington Music Educators: October, January, March and May issues.
- WMEA State Conference Program
Print ads appear in these publications:
- WMEA All-State Program
- WMEA/WIAA State Solo and Ensemble Contest Program
For website advertisements, you may have your ads appear on our conference or student events sidebars so they will be seen easily. Ads will rotate with other ads for three months.
- Conference pages – January 1st – March 31st
- Honor groups pages – January 1st – March 31st
- WMEA/WIAA State Solo & Ensemble Contest pages – March 1st – May 31st
All artwork is due 30 days prior to release or publication date.
Next: Ad Purchases Information.