The Washington Music Educators Hall of Fame was established by the WMEA Board of Directors to give recognition for exceptional support, inspiration and outstanding contribution to the growth and development of music education, both public and private, in the state of Washington.
It was established in 1998 with a charter class of 128 members and augmented two years later with an additional 69 members. Since that time, up to ten members per biennium have been elected to the Hall of Fame.
In June 2011 the WMEA Hall of Fame Wall of Recognition was dedicated in the Jerilyn S. McIntyre Music Building at Central Washington University. The wall was funded by Ted Brown Music of Tacoma and supported with materials from Manhasset Specialty Company of Yakima.
Following is a list of those who have been honored with induction into the WMEA Hall of Fame. Clicking a name on the list will take you to more information on that individual.
- Bernie Ackerman
- S. Mark Adamo
- Judd Aetzel
- Phillip Ager
- Howard Akers
- Al Aldridge
- Greg Allison
- Leland “Stu” Alvord
- Margaret Rose Anderson
- Robert Anderson
- Thomas E. Anderson
- Leslie Armstrong
- Robert F. Armstrong
- Robert Bailey
- Christy Miller Baisinger
- David Baldock
- Karen Ann (MacKenzie) Baldwin
- Scott Barnes
- Walter Barnum
- Don Barrows
- Ron Bayer
- Dale Beacock
- Dennis Behrens
- James Bennett
- William E. Bissell
- Kathleen Blair
- Robin Blumenthal
- Geoffrey Boers
- Patricia Anne Bourne
- Shawn Bowman
- Raydell Bradley
- Michael Brant
- Lynn Brinckmeyer
- Eleanor Brown
- Robert Brown
- Scott Brown
- T. Warren Brown
- Paul Brueggemeier
- Harley Brumbaugh
- Chris Bruya
- John “Jock” Budelman
- Andy Burch
- Jill Burch
- Coyne Burnett, Sr.
- Peggy Burrough
- Phyllis Byrdwell
- Bruce Caldwell
- Jo Caldwell
- Don Cammack
- Patricia Shehan Campbell
- Laurie Cappello
- James Carlsen
- Clemewell Mackenzie Case
- Robert Cathey
- Stanley Chapple
- Harriet Charlton
- Robert Choate
- Ted Christensen
- A. Bert Christianson
- Don Clausen
- Mel Clayton
- Megan Cleary
- Dana Lawrence Cleveland
- Paul-Elliott Cobbs
- Mike Colbrese
- Walter F. Cole
- William D. Cole
- Joan Catoni Conlon
- Elneta Cooper
- Ken Copeland
- David B. Cross
- Bernard Crouse
- Roy Cummings
- Ed Cunnington
- Frank D’Andrea
- Bonnie I. Dale
- Frank DeMiero
- Paul Dennis
- Leo Dodd
- Fred Dole
- Joanne Donnellan
- Donna Driver-Kummen
- Nancy Duck-Jefferson
- Patricia DuRuz
- Bob Duvall
- David Eddy
- Ian Edlund
- J. Gordon Edlund
- Herman J. “Red” Eickhoff
- Keith Eide
- Eugene A. Ferguson
- Paula C. Ferguson
- Vernon Fosket
- Jack Francis
- C. Oliver Fuller
- Karen Fulmer
- Richard Garcia
- Mike Garrett
- Dolores Gibler
- Allen Giles
- Todd Giltner
- Jerry Glass
- Dale L. Gleason
- Larry Gookin
- Scott Goranson
- Jerry D. Gordon
- Marilyn R. Gordon
- G. Greg Goss
- Richard “Dick” Graham
- Peter Gries
- Kate Grieshaber
- Terry Grove
- Leslie Guelker-Cone
- Kathryn Gustafson
- Bruce Gutgesell
- Frank Halferty
- Tom D. Hall
- Jack Halm
- Wally Hannah
- John R. Harris, Jr.
- Paul W. Hass
- Paula Hawkins
- William Herbst
- Judith Herrington
- Wayne Hertz
- C. Adair Hilligoss
- Joyce Hoffer
- Linda Honn
- Raymond Horsey
- Gene “Sarge” Huber
- Jim Hunt
- Dorothy Hutchinson
- Gary Jacobson
- Catherine Johnson
- Dale Johnson
- L. Keating Johnson
- Allan Jones
- Delwen B. Jones
- Ron Jones
- Wendal Jones
- Ron Joslin
- Dan Judd
- David Judd
- Clyde Jussila
- Garnet N. Kaiyala
- Roy Kennelly
- George Kenneth Guenther
- Waldo King
- William Klein
- Lee Kloeppel
- Andrea Klouse
- William Klouse
- Robert E. Knatt
- Brian Koreski
- Mel Kornmeyer
- Jim Kovach
- Ken Kraintz
- Edward Krenz
- Bill Kunze
- Kate Labiak
- Terry Lack
- Mark Lane
- Don Lanphere
- Tom Larsen
- John D. Law
- Neil Lieurance
- Shirley Linscott
- Jack Lloyd
- Tamera Lopushinsky
- George A. Lotzenhiser
- Eric R. Lucas
- Robert Ludwig
- Dan Lundberg
- Barbara Reeder Lundquist
- Ralph Manzo
- Kirk Marcy
- Gerry Marsh
- Jim and Lorrie Mathews
- Don May
- Gina May
- Donald McCaw
- Brad McDavid
- Edna McKee
- Carroll McManus
- Jerry McManus
- Bob McNamara
- Howard Meharg
- Greg Metcalf
- Robert L. Metzger
- Robert L. Miller
- Vicki White Miltun
- Mike Mines
- Glen Mitchell
- Jeff Mitchell
- John Moawad
- Leslie Moffat
- Debbie Montague
- Mike Morgan
- Dee L. Morton
- Robert Musser
- Ralph Mutchler
- Garry Nakayama
- Eric W. Nelson
- Vern Nicklaus
- Franklin J. Nielsen
- Ken Noreen
- Theodore Normann
- Robert K. Northrop
- Phil Onishi
- Robert Panerio, Sr.
- Don Paul
- Kevin Paustian
- Don Pearce
- Morris R. Pedersen
- Graham Perry
- Joy Perry
- Gail S. Phillips
- Marjorie Pidduck
- Ric Pilgrim
- Linda Pilcher
- Barbara Porter
- Neal Porter
- Jack Potter
- Edwin Powell
- Wally Rants, Sr.
- Lisa Ray
- Harvey Redmond
- Tom Reich
- Janet Reiter
- Jim Rice
- Robert Rink
- Travis Rivers
- Andy Robertson
- Randy Rockhill
- Tom Rodrique
- Steve Ross
- Edward J. Sand
- Robert Scandrett
- Karl Scarborough
- Jack Schaeffer
- Roland Schanzenbach
- Fred Schlichting
- Mark Schlichting
- Julia Schnebly-Black
- Leslie Larsen Schneider
- Charles “Chip” Schooler
- Pam Schroeder
- Gerard Schwarz
- Carol Scott-Kassner
- Grant Sears
- Warren Shelton
- Hal Sherman
- Lee Shook
- Doug Siegel
- Michael Simpson
- James Sjolund
- Maurice Skones
- Myron “Smitty” Smith
- Sam S. Smith
- Jeffrey Snedeker
- Jack Snodgrass
- Richard Sparks
- Randall Spicer
- Roger Stansbury
- Patricia Strand
- Brian Steves
- Calvin Storey
- Kemble Stout
- Steven L. Sturtz
- Charlene M. Sutton
- Douglas J. Sutton
- Robert Swanson
- Rob Tapper
- James Anthony Taylor
- Mary Lou Thomas-Carson
- Ray Thompson
- A. G. Tiemann
- Karla Timmerman
- Wayne Timmerman
- Bob Tomberg
- Maryon P. Troxel
- Joel Ulrich
- Dick Uthmann
- John Walk
- Garry Walker
- Kay Walker
- David Walter
- Don C. Walter
- David T. Walworth
- Bob Warren
- David W. Weatherred
- Rowena Wedemeyer
- Norman Weeks
- Walter Welke
- Louis G. Wersen
- Lorris D. West
- Joel Westgaard
- Melinda Wharton
- Harold Wheeler
- Joseph F. Wheeler
- Rick White
- Ronald Wildey
- Pat Wilhelms
- Jasper Wilson
- Natalie Wilson
- Pete Wilson
- Dan Wing
- Patrick Winters
- C. Irvin Wright
- Greg Yasinitsky
- James Yenney
- Horace Alexander Young
- Martin J. Zyskowski
Honorary Hall of Fame (under Construction)
- Gerard Schwarz
- Bob Tomberg
- Jo Caldwell
- Whitney Grisaffi
- Kathy Treece