Leslie Guelker-Cone is Director of Choral Activities at Western Washington University, where she conducts the Concert Choir and Western Voices and teaches courses in choral conducting. The choir has performed at national and divisional conferences of ACDA and NAfME. International tours have taken them throughout Europe and South America. She has served as an ACDA National Repertoire and Standards chair, and also on the boards of both the California and the Washington Music Educators associations. She is past president of Washington ACDA and is in frequent demand as a choral adjudicator, honor choir conductor and clinician throughout the US and Canada. Research includes incorporation of movement theories into the teaching of choral conducting and the use of collaborative teaching techniques in the choral rehearsal. She authored the video textbook, The Collaborative Choral Rehearsal: Inspiring Creative Musicianship, and received WWU’s highest teaching honor, the Excellence in Teaching Award, and the Washington ACDA Leadership and Service Award.