The WMEA Young Musicians Excelling fund has the sole purpose of helping students help themselves.
High school Honor Groups cost more than $350 per student for the WMEA All-State bands, orchestras, choirs and jazz groups. Our Junior All-State bands, orchestras and choirs cost more than $100 per student. These activities are break-even for WMEA; we do not profit from the students.
Money from the YME fund will help defray costs so that all students will feel comfortable applying to take part. We are using donated funds to provide help for students at all levels who need financial assistance.
Read about the WMEA All-State experience for 2007-2008 as published in the May 2008 issue of Voice magazine.
We would appreciate anything you can do to assist and ask that you please try to include this fund in your annual giving. The success of this fund not only will help students directly, it will speak volumes to our communities about support and advocacy for music education.
If you wish to donate to YME, you may do that from our Donation page.
You may also print the YME donation form and send in your contribution. For more information, contact the office by phone at 1-800-324-WMEA or by e-mail at